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Reiki is a healing technique which uses the power and guidance of angels and guides. Reiki is a natural, safe healing that uses myself as a conduit to draw energy from the Angelic realm and into the client who is undergoing healing.

There are many forms of healing such as past life healing (past life regression), Chakra healing, and distant healing. Our past lives are also connected to our current physical state, as previously we may have left a life lesson incomplete and so are repeating it. Through Reiki, these unfinished lessons can be discovered and resolved, enabling us to gain the necessary skills and knowledge to progress.

Reiki heals in a calm nurturing way, working alongside conventional medication.

Frequently Asked Questions:
How often can I come back for a Reiki session?

It varies for each individual, but often you will know instinctively when it would be beneficial for you to rebook a session.

Will I have to get undressed?

No but loose clothing would be more comfortable.