Call or text Cindy on 07948 975 402 See here for other contact details
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In addition to these sessions I also offer various training classes at beginner, intermediate and experience levels in meditation, connecting and working with your guides, Angelic Reiki, Tarot and Angel cards, working with crystals and chakras, Remote Viewing, working with Dowsers and Psychometry.

As an example, a beginners class might include… effective ways to relax, relieving stress and anxieties, grounding and protecting yourself – essential practice for your safety when connecting to spirit guides and angels.

Please contact me for more details about tailored classes to suit your trainees needs.

Request a tailored course

Reiki £30
1 hour

Private Readings £30
1 hour

Open Circle £7 per person
1½  hours (10 people max)

Make a booking